The Greatest Salesman in the World

When I was twelve years old, my Dad handed me a book he wanted me to read. He said, “I think it will help.” I’ve always loved to read and I was curious because Dad hadn’t ever asked me to read a particular book before—although he had asked me not to read some books.

It was The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino and I’ve read this book at least 20 times or more over the years. I love story of how Hafid, a young orphaned camel boy became the greatest salesman in the world. Most of all, I love Og Mandino’s storytelling style and many are the years when I’ve lived with this book, reading and practicing the lessons in the scrolls every day for 10 months at a time. I can honestly say that those years are always among my best.

But what stands out even more luminously for me are the words of one particular quote in The Greatest Salesman in the World. When Pathros sends Hafid on his journey to great success, he tells the boy to remember that,

“Failure will never overtake you if your
determination to succeed is strong enough.”
—Og Mandino, The Greatest Salesman in the World

Many times when I’ve felt ready to give up only to recall those words. They are like a mantra for me. Repeating them both silently and out loud gives me strength, renews my faith, and fills me with the energy and drive to continue to pursue my dreams.


What if there were no limits to what you could accomplish? I am a personal development coach and I help people learn how to get past the self-imposed limits that we each place upon ourselves, so that they can enjoy their greatest potential and live the lives of their dreams.

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